Yeah, its nuts. The GM's are nerfing traps, but we don't think that its really possible (or at least practical) to take on earthquake using MVPs without it. To that end, we're doing a single run against Randgris by attempting to tank it. The GM Heimdallr will be present (likely hidden) to watch the festivities. While the attempt here is to show that its not practical and needs adjustement, I want to be on our best performance, because otherwise it doesn't show the GM's anything. Because of our goal, we will not be using GTB or GR.
No clue. Probably after woe.
The plan is to go in with a full party of 12 players, no more, (hopefully) no less. The plan is to tank the MVP on an LK, while being sacrificed by a Paladin. The reason for LK tank is mostly for a high HP tank, since nothing else matters with Earthquake, and Sacrifice will additionally help survive. A Champion MS tank is impractical due to Dispell. We should have three priests as support, one dedicated to safety walling (and assumptioing) the tank, one for buffing the party and keeping people assumptio'd, and a second support priest outside of EQ range healing the sac sader. A scholar will be present to provide blinding mist. Additionally, we need a linker duo to keep Kaupe, and if needed Kaizel on the party. The killers can be anything really but I would prefer to use Biochemists. Multiple killers are recommended.
Plain and simple, don't come ungeared. The party should be taking hits from earthquake only, and its imperative that atleast some people survive. Alice would be best, but don't come without atleast a horn carded shield and raydric garment. Alligator accessories would help a lot. Priests will actually take less damage with a horn card than with alice if they have a long mace and two alligator accessories, and even less if they have noxious instead of raydric. Otherwise the gear is up to you, but HP gears would be recommended. You may be hit by the odd Lord of Vermillion, so wind may be handy too if you aren't up to potting..
Also, we'll need atleast an Angeling card for the tank, so we'll have to steal an AR armor from someone.
Oh, and bring some level 1 mercenary scrolls. They suck up earthquake pretty well. Bring 5, and hotkey them!
Its about as bad as it sounds... We will simply be tanking Valkyrie Randgris against a wall in such a way that the party is not hit by pulse strike. Safety wall will be spammed like nuts on the tank. When it powers up the scholar MUST be ready to dispel it's two hand quicken and agi up. Because of its skill order, it will Power Up, Agility Up, Two Hand Quicken, and Earthquake, always in that order once it hits 30% HP. Blinding mist must be on the ground, and try to mash your white pot key while being hit! Players should be relatively tightly packed so they can be covered by Mist. The tank won't be able to have Kaupe on but the single hit blocked by the crusader (who will die a horrible screaming death) should be enough to keep the tank on his feet. If we survive quake, the DPS should continue to burn Randgris down as fast as possible while the support attempts to recover the party. If 2hq/agi up haven't been dispelled, they need to be taken care of right after.
To make it a bit easier, before we begin tanking Randgris, we will take down one of the slaves. Once the Valkyrie slave is dead, we will proceed to attack the MVP.
People should know what they're up against! Go to the Earthquake Simulator (Here), throw in your equipment, and play around with the numbers. Look, most of the info is already filled in for you! I'm presuming we'll have 12 people on screen (not going to really count merc scrolls), blinding mist, and kaupe. If you don't have those, I'm going to stab the person responsible. Try to bring gears so you survive!
While I don't expect most people to use much in the way of supplies, some people (the sac pally for example) may use a lot of items, so I'm (Doddler) willing to re-imburse players up to 1m for supplies. That doesn't mean you should be spamming ygg berries though, but biochemists could use a couple blues since the Scholar is going to be pretty busy after the halfway mark.